• Once your order is placed, you will receive an email with a tracking number to watch for your package!

    Delivery Time: Standard shipping will typically take 2 to 8 business days for delivery, depending on factors like the distance between the shipping origin and destination.

  • 1-2 days for people in Winnipeg!

  • Our $66.76 price point includes free shipping anywhere in Canada.

    Each container is 36 servings of very high quality ingredients. Which is $1.85 a serving. Your large double double at Tim’s is like $2.50.

  • Nope! We also have a one time purchase option, but you save money and get free gifts when you subscribe. This is about changing your behaviors long-term, which is why 99% of people subscribe.

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    Prepaid Visa and MasterCard debit cards are also accepted. 

  • Detach Wellness is dedicated to helping others live a holistic lifestyle. We believe that fasting is more than just about food—it's about focus.  Fasting can give us an improved focus, heightened perspective, and a rush of motivation for consistent action. Our brand approaches fasting as a practice that focuses on necessity rather then excess, aligning with values that prioritize discipline, self-control, reflection, community, environmental sustainability, and responsible stewardship of  resources. 

  • Small amounts of calories don’t raise insulin levels significantly enough to kick you out of ketosis.

    The fasted state is not an on/off switch that immediately gets turned off once you have a tiny number of calories. The research is not clear on exactly what it is with fasting that causes the positive effects seen in the clinical trials, but most researcher hypotheses revolve around.

    a) letting insulin levels drop below a certain threshold

    b) creating an acute energy deficit

    The fasted state and the positive effects that result from it isn’t an on/off switch, or an ‘all-or-nothing’ kind of deal.

    The small number of calories found in a essential amino acid supplement like FASTINGFUEL™, or something like lemon water or black coffee/tea will not break your fast or kick you out of ketosis.

  • Yes. However, some supplements like fat-soluble vitamins may work better when taken with meals.

  • Yes. However, it is recommended to consume a drink that contains essential amino acids (EAAs) like Fasting Days during a workout while fasting to prevent muscle loss.

  • All weight loss methods can cause muscle loss which is why it’s important to lift weights and keep dietary protein intake high. Generally speaking, muscle loss during fasting isn’t a concern unless you are fasting for periods greater than 24 hours.

  • The key trigger for all of them is energy deficit and glycogen depletion.

    • Fasting ketosis can happen as soon as your liver glycogen stores have been depleted and your liver starts producing ketone bodies. It takes roughly 16-20 hours for your liver glycogen to be depleted.

    • Mild autophagy can occur as soon as you suppress mTOR by keeping insulin and blood sugar very low. However, you need to be fasting for at least 24-48 hours to trigger a significant response.

    • AMPK gets triggered when your body needs to generate energy in a fuel deprived state. Fasting and glycogen depletion put you into a caloric deficit, which then ramps up your body’s adaptation mechanisms.